Work Packages


Management and Coordination Activities

This work package coordinates the project to ensure that all work packages are fully integrated and effectively executed, including legal and regulatory compliance management.


FAME Platform: Specifications, Architecture and Integration

This work package coordinates the project to ensure that all work packages are fully integrated and effectively executed, including legal and regulatory compliance management.


Secure, Interoperable, Federated Data Management

WP3 is responsible for implementing the project’s AAI infrastructure for federated access to data providers and for designing and implementing a unified approach to manage and enforce data policies in a federated environment.

The WP will design and deliver a federated catalog of data assets as part of the marketplace, as well as design and implement a set of tools for regulatory compliance for integrated financial applications based on data about the FAME marketplace.


Decentralized Programmable Data Trading and Pricing

Implementing and delivering a blockchain infrastructure for decentralized data assets in the context of the FAME marketplace. WP4 will deploy an accounting module that will leverage data asset metadata and will also focus on implementing Smart Contracts for trading and pricing of data assets.


Trusted and Energy Efficient Analytics

This work package provides a catalog of AI/ML models and techniques for EmFi, which will be used as the basis for data analysis in FAME. It will also specify and implement new XAI techniques, incremental analysis techniques to reduce the CO2 footprint of analysis operations, and an FML infrastructure in support of EE and privacy-friendly analytics.


Integration, Validation and Evaluation of EmFi Use Cases

Specification of the project pilots and the preparation of the various sites/partners for implementation and validation. It will implement the FAME market-based use cases, leveraging FAME data assets and tools through open APIs and evaluating UC from a techno-economic and socio-economic perspective, as well as based on stakeholder feedback analysis.


Dissemination, Exploitation and Stakeholders' Training

This work package coordinates and oversees the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities within the project and creates a community around the FAME data marketplace platform.


Ethics requirements

This work package sets out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with.