FAME Consortium Holds Successful General Assembly in Bratislava

On July 10th and 11th, the FAME consortium convened in the vibrant city of Bratislava, Slovakia, for its 4th General Assembly meeting. The University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) graciously hosted this important event on their picturesque campus, providing an ideal setting for productive discussions and collaboration. GFT Technologies Italia, the project coordinator, led the … Read more

FAME Unveiled: Exploring Trends, Concepts, and EU Impact on Federated Marketplaces and Embedded Finance

As part of Horizon Europe, FAME, led by GFT Italia, receives support from the eco Association and other leading European organizations to develop a trusted solution for secure data management. FAME: eco Supports EU Project for Financial Services FAME’s objective is to create a secure federated data marketplace for embedded finance (EmFi). This should soon … Read more

What is the Federated Data Asset Catalog (FDAC)?

The Federated Data Assets Catalogue (FDAC) is responsible for storing and indexing all the information regarding the data assets of FAME, which represent multiple types of content, ranging from datasets to AI models, services, or relevant documentation. This Federated Data Assets Catalogue (FDAC) is able not only to represent assets originated from FAME activities but … Read more

The FAME Assets Policy Manager

Unlocking Secure Asset Management: Introducing Assets Policy Manager (APM) In the dynamic world of digital assets, security and accessibility are paramount. We are thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking solution that revolutionizes asset management within the FAME project: the Assets Policy Manager (APM). Developed by project partner UBITECH, the APM sets the standard for secure asset … Read more

Energy Efficient and Incremental Analytics in FAME

In the heart of the FAME integrated solution lies the Incremental Analytics component. The purpose of this component is twofold: firstly, as its name implies, to provide analytic operations in an incremental fashion. That means that the result of an analytical query (i.e. aggregation, summarization, counting, etc.) is not being calculated each time a request … Read more

FAME participates in the “2024 Data Spaces Symposium”, in Darmstadt

The “2024 Data Spaces Symposium”, an important and inspiring meeting for industry leaders shaping the data economy, took place in March, where FAME was represented by Motor Oil Hellas (MOH), one of the project partners. This event, held 12-14 March in Darmstadt (Frankfurt, Germany) fostered crucial connections with a diverse range of stakeholders, including academic … Read more

Transforming Embedded Finance with Data Marketplaces

Greetings, FAME followers! We’re excited to introduce you to the FAME project, a federated, secured marketplace for accessing any type of data asset and any kind of data infrastructure. As a pilot, DAEM is eager to demonstrate the potential of FAME in leveraging data to provide personalized services to citizens of Athens, starting with the … Read more

Leveraging Large Language Models for Financial Predictions

In the world of finance, where every decision can have significant ramifications, the possibility of predicting market movements is invaluable. Traditionally, analysts have relied on a combination of data analysis, market trends, and expert insights to make informed predictions. However, in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), new paths for analysis and prediction have emerged. … Read more

Can sentiment explanations make you richer?

Let’s imagine for a moment that an algo-trading company, “Fin-Sent-X,” has enabled a new market platform through which anyone can subscribe to any of its machine learning (ML) models. These models can predict future financial indicators, such as changes in stock value, based on historical news feeds. According to the company’s website, their newly developed … Read more

Exploring the new Financial Frontier in Fintech

The role of Data Spaces in Converging Composable Banking and Embedded Finance The vision of an integrated future In the ever-evolving world of financial services, traditional banking models are being redefined by the imperative for flexibility and personalization. Composable banking has emerged as the response to financial institutions’ urgent need to integrate non-proprietary services swiftly, … Read more